Quarterly Publication

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz,Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Omidiyeh Branch, Islamic Azad university, Omidiyeh, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz,Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Management, Semnan Branch,Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


Competitive advantages play a unique role in organizations' successes or failures because of customers' very speedy accessibility to suppliers and manufacturers. Indeed, this is competitive advantages which can make firms and organizations survive and grow in today's increasing competitive field attaining by creating and or improving their capabilities. The main goal of the study is to design a grounded theory model extracted from the transnational capabilities, but this required to explore the transnational capabilities aiming for the international markets entry. The statistical population of this qualitative research included experts and managers working in the steel pipe manufacturing companies of Iranian gas and oil industry. The data collected via interviews. The validity assured by counseling with the elites and university professors and the reliability verified by the Delphi technique. The findings revealed 496 open, 44 axial and 9 selective codes including: 1) Marketing, 2) Managerial, 3) Human Resources, 4) Financial, 5) Manufacturing, 6) Quality & Standards, 7) Research & Development 8) Logistics and 9) Interactions and counseling with the government. Finally, a new model extracted and represented from analysis of the axial coding process of the grounded theory. The model precisely clarified relationships among the components including casual conditions, context, actions/interactions (strategies), intervening conditions and consequences. Recognition of the relationships of the components will help better understanding of the capabilities. This will lead to attain the competitive advantages needed for successful entry into the international markets.


Main Subjects

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