Quarterly Publication

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Banking Department, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Tehran, Iran,

2 Instructor.Economics and Islamic Banking, Faculty of Economics, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran, Email: mnasr121@gmail.com


COVID affects various sectors of the economy, including energy. Measuring these effects on the energy sector can help policymakers adopt appropriate protectionist policies. In this paper, the effect of COVID shock on energy and non-energy sectors has been investigated using the DSGE model. For this purpose, two shocks of preferences and shocks of labor supply have been used. This article adds COVID to the model as well as adding energy to the New Keynesian model. The effect of COVID on the energy and non-energy sectors of the two channels of labor supply and consumer preferences has been investigated. The results of the study indicate that consumption, investment, and production in the energy sector have increased under the influence of both shocks. But consumption, investment and production in non-energy sector have declined. Prices and production costs have increased in both sectors. Also, the negative effects of the preferences shock were greater than the negative effects of the labor supply shock.


Main Subjects

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